Git & GitHub 常用語法

Posted by pei_______ on 2022-06-08

(圖片來源: Bootcamp課堂pdf)

01. create git local repository

$ git init

02. add file to staging area

(1) add a file:
$ git %file name%

(2) add all files:
$ git .

(3) remove all files from staging area
$ git rm --cached -r .
(-r = recursive)

(4) check if file is added:
$ git status

03. commit to local repository
(1) make commit:
$ git commit -m %adding message%

(2) check if file is commited:
$ git log

04. call back file from local repository
(1) check what different in two files
$ git diff

(2) change file to the latest version
$ git checkout %file name%

push files from local repository to remote repository
(1) create remote repository
$ git remote add origin(name of remote repository) %url from GitHub%

(2) push file to remote repository
$ git push -u origin(name of remote repository) master(name of branch)

05. clone the file from remote repository to local
$ git clone %HTML url%

06. branching & merging
(1) create a new branch
$ git branch %branch name%

(2) check all branches and where we worked in
$ git branch

(3) switch to the branch
$ git checkout %branch name%

(4) merge sub branch to master branch:
$ git branch master
$ git merge %sub branch name%

07. gitignore
(1) create a hidden file called .gitignore
$ touch .gitignore
$ attrib +h .gitignore

(2) write what you want to ignore in .gitignore

#Git #Github #web系列

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